1. 但是呢,我们依旧是一晚上没合眼,因为我们整晚都和其他人一样,一边上蹿下跳,一边尖叫着打臭虫!
Well.......we did not sleep a wink between the people running up and down shouting at eachother to being completely bitten all over by BED BUGS!
2. 上蹿下跳的翻译
2. 网友用该词描绘郭松民为道德急得上蹿下跳的卫道士形象。
The netizen depicts Guo Song civilian to go up urgently for morality with this word jump below leap up defend Taoism priest figure.
3. 他不停地上蹿下跳,活像个足球赛中的男孩。
He continued to jump up and down like a boy at a football match
4. •“求职者在我的地毯上上蹿下跳,告诉我,我肯定很受公司的赏识,不然不可能给我配这么厚的地毯。”
• " the candidate bounced up and down on my carpet and told me I must be highly thought of by the company because I was given such thick carpeting. "
5. 上蹿下跳
5. 美元正在上蹿下跳,上周五对日圆跌破了90日圆关口,并且正在考验一年前对欧元创出的低点。
The dollar is zigzagging, falling below the90 yen mark Friday and testing the depths it plumbed against the euro a year ago.
6. •“求职者在我的地毯上上蹿下跳,告诉我,我肯定很受公司的赏识,不然不可能给我配这么厚的地毯。”
• " the candidate bounced up and down on my carpet and told me I must be highly thought of by the company because I was given such thick carpeting. "