三饭[sān fàn]
a surname:
Sanfan Tong
1. 太师挚到齐国去了,亚饭干到楚国去了,三饭缭到蔡国去了,四饭缺到秦国去了,打鼓的方叔到了黄河边,敲小鼓的武到了汉水边,少师阳和击磬的襄到了海滨。
The grand music master, Chih, went to Ch`i. Kan, the master of the band at the second meal, went to Ch`u. Liao, the band master at the third meal, went to Ts`ai. Chueh, the band master at the fourth meal, went to Ch`in.
2. 三饭是什么意思
2. 鲁国的大师挚到齐国去了,亚饭干到楚国去了,三饭缭到蔡国去了,四饭缺到秦国去了,击鼓手方叔避居到黄河岸边,小鼓手武到汉中去了,少阳和击磬的襄逃到海滨去了。
Senior Music Master Zhi left for Qi; Second Repst Gan left for Chu; Third Repast Liao left for Cai; Fourth repast Que left for Qin; Drummer Fang-shu went into the Rver area; Hand-drummer Wu went into the River Han ares; Junior Music Master Yang and Chimestone player Xiang went to sea.