

三省吾身[sān xǐng wú shēn]


词典reflect on oneself three times a day三省吾身。

词典examine self thrice a day三省吾身。

三省吾身 汉英大词典

三省吾身[sān xǐng wú shēn]


reflect on oneself three times a day; examine self thrice a day

三省吾身 双语例句

1. danci.911cha.com

1. 三省吾身,知情趣不在多,盆池拳石间,烟霞俱足;美景不在阔,而居篷窗竹屋之下,风月亦奢。
    Provinces, taste is not known, and stone basins Chi boxing, the haze are adequate; beauty is not wide, door window bamboo canopy, the Temptress Moon also extravagance.

2. 用博客表达则是一种很好的三省吾身的方式,所以最近写博客写的上瘾了。
    Expression is the most effective means of appropriating impressions.

3. 三省吾身在线翻译

3. 今天,我们三省吾身,则应自省的是追求,是信念,是情操。
    Today, we the three provinces, it should be the pursuit of self-examination is a conviction, is the sentiment.

4. 911查询·英语单词

4. 日三省吾身:结了婚的男人就该把自己犯的错全忘了。
    THOUGHT FOR THE DAY Any married man should forget his mistakes.

5. 911查询·英语单词

5. 日三省吾身:结了婚的男人就该把自己犯的错全忘了。
    Any married man should forget his mistakes.

6. 三省吾身的翻译

6. 有一天,庄子对惠子说:「孔子非常用功,他力行一日三省吾身,时时检讨自己的思想与行为。
    One day, Chuang Tzu told Huizi, Confucius made great efforts to practice.

7. danci.911cha.com

7. 每日三省吾身,永不停止地自问,如何能够让客户对我们产品与服务更加满意,然后找出一个执行方案。
    We never stop asking ourselves how we can make the customer experience better, and every day, we find an answer.

8. 911chaxun查询·英语单词

8. 吾日而三省吾身;为人谋而不忠乎?于朋友交而不信乎?传而不习乎?
    Every day I examine myself time and time again: have I been unfaithful in giving counsels to others? Have I been insincere in getting along with my friends? Have I failed to review what I have been taught?

9. 三省吾身的近义词

9. 自我评价:每日三省吾身,闵于行,而好于学,不耻下问,不积小流无以成江海。
    Self Evaluate: Daily reflect on oneself three times a day, Min Yuhang, and good to learn, ask, no small streams to into a river.

10. 对创业者来说,问题不是一日三省吾身、四省吾身,而是应该时时刻刻警醒、反省自己,惟有如此,才能时刻保持清醒。
    For the entrepreneurs, the issue is not on the provinces three times or four times, but should be alert at all times, reflect on their own, to remain sober.
