

三生有幸[sān shēng yǒu xìng]

词典be the most supreme三生有幸。


词典a stroke of luck意外的好运;三生有幸。

词典happiness of one's three existences三生有幸。


词典luck for three incarnations三生有幸。

三生有幸 汉英大词典

三生有幸[sān shēng yǒu xìng]


be the most supreme; a stroke of luck; happiness of one's three existences; luck for three incarnations; the good fortune of three lives; thrice blessed:

  例:你若能为我僧院除了这条祸根, 正是三生有幸了!

    If you can rid our monastery of this scourge, that would be a great happiness for us!

三生有幸 网络解释

1. Fuk sing go jiu:扭计纯牌军 Nui ji za pai jun (1986) | 三生有幸 Fuk sing go jiu (1985) | 龙的口 Long de xin (1985)

2. consider oneself most fortunate to make sb.'s acquaintance:三缄其口:hold oneself back from saying aword. | 三生有幸:consider oneself most fortunate to make sb.'s acquaintance | 三长两短:unexpected misfortune;something unfortunate

三生有幸 双语例句

1. 跟这么多优秀球员和伟大教练在一起真是。。。三生有幸四生修到五福临门啊!!
    It's a privilege to be with these team mates and this coach, something I couldn't hope for.

2. 三生有幸

2. 少女:师姐说帮主大仁大义乃侠中之侠,能交上帮主这样的朋友真是三生有幸,今天搁在你们兄弟头上的钱就当请大家买酒喝吧!
    The money put on your brosheads is all given to you to buy drinks.

3. 三生有幸的翻译

3. 少女:师姐说帮主大仁大义乃侠中之侠,能交上帮主这样的朋友真是三生有幸,今天搁在你们兄弟头上的钱就当请大家买酒喝吧!
    The money put on your bros'heads is all gien to you to buy drinks.

4. danci.911cha.com

4. 少女:师姐说帮主大仁大义乃侠中之侠,能交上帮主这样的朋友真是三生有幸,今天搁在你们兄弟头上的钱就当请大家买酒喝吧!
    The money put on your bros'heads is all given to you to buy drinks.!

5. 少女:师姐说帮主大仁大义乃侠中之侠,能交上帮主这样的朋友真是三生有幸,今天搁在你们兄弟头上的钱就当请大家买酒喝吧!
    The money put on your bros'heads is all given to you to

6. 如果你能得到这样的礼物,那真叫三生有幸,也会幸福一生。
    If you get it, youwill be very lucky and happy for your life.

7. 能够认识您是我三生有幸,我不会很快忘记您的。
    I am honored to have known you. I won't soon forget you either.

8. 三生有幸是什么意思

8. 有你这样一位伙伴是我三生有幸之事。
    It's one of the nice things in life that happened to me to have you as a colleague.

9. 今天能跟你谈话真是我三生有幸
    It is aprivilege to be speaking to you today.

10. 今天能跟你谈话真是我三生有幸
    I am very proud to be addressing you this evening.

11. 三生有幸是什么意思

11. 今天能跟你一起说话真是我三生有幸
      It is a privilege to be speaking to you today.

12. 我能有你们这样两位慷慨大方,令人愉快的朋友,可谓三生有幸
      I count myself fortunate indeed to have two such generous and charming friends!

13. 你若能为我僧院除了这条祸根,正是三生有幸了!
      If you can rid our monastery of this scourge, that would be a great happiness for us!

14. 三生有幸是什么意思

14. 今天,我能站在这个神圣的讲台上,真是三生有幸。我今天是来竞选值日班长的,此时,我的心情十分复杂,就像打翻了五味瓶,酸甜苦辣,皆在其中。
      Today, I can stand on the rostrum of the sacred My duty today is to run for the squad leader, and at this time, my feelings are complex, like a spilled bottle Gomi, ups and downs, all in one.

15. 能侍候上象您这样的酒鬼,真是三生有幸
      It's a privilege to serve such a distinguished rummy as you.

16. 本人三生有幸80年代恰好在场,既是参与者又是见证人,但更主要的是一位好事的倾听者。
      I was lucky in the80s, so I'm participator and witness; most importantly I'm an enthusiastic listener.

17. 余习投资始自《证券分析》,时为1950年和1951年,余于哥伦比亚大学拜本•格雷厄姆和戴维•多德为师,诚三生有幸也。
      I studied from Security Analysis while I was at Columbia University in1950 and1951, when I had the extraordinary good luck to have Ben Graham and Dave Dodd as teachers.

18. 下面给个直截了当的例子,请做好心理准备作业里,可能会遇到这种题,或者说,各位如果三生有幸,考试中也会,出现类似的题目。
      Let's do a straightforward example the way that you could expect it on an assignment or, if you were extraordinarily lucky you might even get something like that on an exam.

19. 911chaxun查询·英语单词

19. 如果你能得到这样的礼物,那真叫三生有幸,也会幸福一生。
      If you get it, you will be very lucky and happy for your life.

20. danci.911cha.com

20. 但,他是老师中的一颗珍贵的宝石。我能遇见这样的老师,真是三生有幸
      A true gem as far as teachers go, I am happy to have ever met him.
