万岁千秋[wàn suì qiān qiū]
live a long life; die
1. 那一代天骄成吉思汗扬头看天的时候,流着汗水的脸被太阳照得晶亮,军队山呼万岁,草原牧歌唱成了一曲雄壮的战歌千秋霸业,百战成功,边声四起唱大风。
Chiaki BR, Bai-Zhan success, while sound of the wind to sing four.
2. 万岁千秋什么意思
2. 那一代天骄成吉思汗扬头看天的时候,流着汗水的脸被太阳照得晶亮,军队山呼万岁,草原牧歌唱成了一曲雄壮的战歌千秋霸业,百战成功,边声四起唱大风。
Young Genghis Khan that the first look at days when the sweat streaming face was a bright sun, 山呼Long live the army, became a magnificent草原牧歌sing songs of war forever BR, Bai-Zhan success, while sound sing four winds.
3. 对两国支配着国家全部财富的老爷来说,国家大局足以万岁千秋乃是比水晶还清楚的事。
In both countries it was clearer than crystal to the lords of the State preserves of loaves and fishes, that things in general were settled for ever.
4. 千秋万岁,我将护你前行
I will escort thee down th years
5. 万岁千秋的翻译
5. 血肉横飞,支离破碎,魂魄被炸到天上去胡乱的飘着,孤魂野鬼,千秋万岁。
Flesh and blood flying in all directions, torn to pieces, the soul is exploded goes to the space to flutter carelessly, solitary person wild ghost, long.
6. 万岁千秋在线翻译
6. 比如:一琴一鹤、二三其德、四亭八当、五光十色、三头六臂、七上八下、九死一生、十羊九牧、百发百中、千金一掷、万岁千秋,等等。
For example: 1-Qin Yi-he, 23 of its German, 4 Pavilion 8 when, colorful, superhuman powers, perturbed, Nine Lives, 10 sheep, nine animal husbandry, crack shot, daughter spend as much, long live the future generations, and so on.