

万家灯火[wàn jiā dēng huǒ]

词典lamps and candles of a myriad families万家灯火。


词典a myriad lights in the valley万家灯火。


词典a myriad twinkling lights万家灯火。


词典The Lights of Ten Thousand Homes[电影]万家灯火。

万家灯火 汉英大词典

万家灯火[wàn jiā dēng huǒ]

lamps and candles of a myriad families; a myriad lights in the valley; a myriad twinkling lights (of a city)

万家灯火 网络解释

1. Twinkling Lights:大风车 Big Pinwheel | 万家灯火 Twinkling Lights | 天涯共此时 Time Together Across the Strait

2. Myriads of Lights:沈浮 Fu Shen (1905-1994) | 万家灯火 Myriads of Lights (1948) | 吴永刚 Yonggang Wu (1907-1982)

3. Glittering Days:38. 隋朝来客 Visitors from the Sui Dynasty 96' | 39. 万家灯火 Glittering Days 100' | 40. 寻找成龙 Looking for Jakie Chan 88'

4. arimatematan a LawLaw:( ) [30] melaTilaTi a Tiur. 星光. .................... | ( ) [31] arimatematan a LawLaw. 万家灯火. ................................................ | ( ) [32] karasenasenaya ta. 我们一起唱歌. ............

万家灯火 双语例句

1. \u0039\u0031\u0031\u67E5\u8BE2\u00B7\u82F1\u8BED\u5355\u8BCD

1. 我在万家灯火熄灭的时候写字给你,写着你的样子,我的心思。
    I admire the time out to write you, the way you read my mind.

2. 万家灯火的意思

2. 我们到达这个城市时,已是万家灯火了。
    When we arrived at the city, a myriad of lights were coming on.

3. 911查询·英语单词

3. 万家灯火看得太多只会更。。。
    Wanjiadenghuo will only see too many more...

4. 在地球的其他地方,此时正是黑夜,她可以看到大城市的万家灯火
    In other parts of the world, it is now night-time, and she can see the lights of the big cities.

5. 万家灯火的近义词

5. 有时候,看着尘世间万家灯火的时候,我又在想,何时能与你也能成为这灯火中的一盏,我将是何其的幸福?
    Sometimes, looking at inter, when to work with you to be lights in this one, I will be how well-being?

6. 记者注意到,一些昨天的首脑会议,特别是:第一,组织者,北京建筑装饰协会和北京市场协会,这两个协会在北京市场一直是一个竞争者,其次,企业参与首脑会议甚至除了主页之外,程,荆立蓝大钟寺家庭,家庭和住宅美国,红星美凯龙,万家灯火和其他传统建筑材料市场,也有紧密联系在一起的这种装饰市场,如柳州发,元洲,探险等。
    Journalist note that some of yesterday`s summit, in particular: First, the organizer of Beijing Building Decoration Association and the Beijing Market Association, which the two associations in the Beijing market has always been a competitor; Second, enterprises to participate in the summit even apart from home, outside Cheng, Jing Li Blue大钟寺home, family and home the United States, 红星美凯龙, 万家灯火and other traditional building materials market, there are also closely linked with the decoration of such a market, such as Liuzhou Fat, Yuen Chau, Adventure, etc..

7. 万家灯火的近义词

7. 我企求一丝风把我带到幸福的边缘,在月黑风高的夜晚等到万家灯火都熄灭的时候去盗窃幸福的一丝头发,一滴血液,或者它的一种成熟的思想……然后把这些不劳而获的战利品带进一个与世隔绝的大实验室去研究,化验……得出获得幸福的种种重要的步骤,过程,原理和结论!
    I seek a trace of wind brought me to the edge of the well-being in high have to wait until night time to put out the well-being of the slightest theft hair, a drop of blood, or it's a mature thinking...... and then these reaping the spoils of war into a big laboratory in isolation to study, test...... come in a variety of well-being of important steps, processes, principles and conclusions!

8. 黑夜给我了黑的眼,我却用它来寻找光明。万家灯火闹元宵!召集中。。。。。正月十五
    The worst way to miss someone is to be sitting right beside them knowing you can``t have them.

9. 911查询·英语单词

9. 万家灯火崇尚返璞归真的理念,精心选材,用心烹调,注重菜色的色、香、味、形和功效。
    Return to Innocence Wanjiadenghuo advocating the idea of carefully selecting, cooking hard, pay attention to the dish color, smell and taste, shape and effectiveness.

10. 每次告诫自己不要再去吃湘菜,然而难抵诱惑,今日又走进一家湘菜馆--------万家灯火
    Every time his warning not to go to Hunan, however, difficult to lure arrived today and into the Pavilion -------- Wanjiadenghuo a Hunan.

11. 埔里是一座盆地,群山环绕、环境幽美,景点也很丰富,例如埔里第一美景、有小西湖之称的鲤鱼潭,美景天成、可泡汤、散步、看生态,玩法多元;而埔里市中心最高的虎子山,假日是许多飞行伞玩家的飞向天际的起点,加上居高临下,可以鸟瞰埔里镇全景,也是一个欣赏万家灯火与夕阳的好地方;而喜欢生态的,就要来桃米村走一遭,丰富的生态、大自然的奥妙、许多不常见的生物,都可以在桃米村发现,透过专业解说员的导览,就可以让自己成为一位自然小老师!
      Last but not the least, of course you cannot miss this great opportunity to enjoy the gorgeous scenery and the rich ecology in Puli. Puli is a basin surrounded by mountains and hills. Its mountainous terrain makes it a popular tourist destination. Coming to Puli, you definitely should visit the first beauty of Puli, Liyu Lake. Huzi Mountain is many paragliding players` favourite spot to take off, plus you can also get a panoramic view of Puli Township. Or, for those who prefer a more educational trip can pay a visit to Taomi Village.

12. 还有教堂,路旁的村民,墓地坟上红色的天竺葵,贝莱兹的昏厥,撒在妈妈棺材上血红色的土,杂在土中的雪白的树根,又是人群,说话声,村子,在厂一个咖啡馆门前的等待,马达不停的轰鸣声,以及当汽车开进万家灯火的阿尔及尔,我想到我要上床睡它十二个钟头时我所感到的喜悦。
      And I can remember the look of the church, the villagers in the street, the red geraniums on the graves, Pérez's fainting fit—he crumpled up like a rag doll—the tawny-red earth pattering on Mother's coffin, the bits of white roots mixed up with it; then more people, voices, the wait outside a café for the bus, the rumble of the engine, and my little thrill of pleasure when we entered the first brightly lit streets of Algiers, and I pictured myself going straight to bed and sleeping twelve hours at a stretch.

13. 万家灯火

13. 重庆的夜晚,就这样被万家灯火和闪烁的霓虹点缀得梦幻又璀璨,倒映在波光荡漾的江水里,错落有致。
      It has been Myriads of Lights flashing neon and embellishment is a dream city, reflected in the shimmering waters of the river, stood.

14. 万家灯火是什么意思

14. 夜是如此的静谧,我坐在江边的窗台前,看城市的万家灯火,一簇簇灯花灭了又亮,亮了又熄,市中区的鹿城也渐渐睡去,忙碌了一天的市民也早已回家。
      Night is so quiet, I sat in the windowsill before the riverside to see the city's Myriads of Lights, a clusters of Deng Hua went out, bright bright again and again put out, City District Lucheng also gradually sleep, busy day Members of the public have long been home.

15. 万家灯火是什么意思

15. 夜是如此的静谧,我坐在江边的窗台前,看城市的万家灯火,一簇簇灯花灭了又亮,亮了又熄,市中区的鹿城也渐渐睡去,忙碌了一天的市民也早已回家。
      Night is so quiet, I sat in the windowsill before the riverside tosee the city's Myriads of Lights, a clusters of Deng Hua went out, bright bright again and again put out, City District Lucheng alsogradually sleep, busy day Members of the public have long beenhome.

16. 万家灯火什么意思

16. 清风朗月的周末夜晚,三五朋友骑车飞驰在大街小巷,看着街旁车水马龙的流光飞影,看看明灭闪烁的万家灯火,看看这个被古老的城墙环绕的城市是如何维持着自己的风度,在维持古城的风貌和现在化之间保持着碧绿的生气。
      Long Yuet breeze weekend night, 35 friends to ride along in the streets, watching the busy street video streamer fly, take a look at flashing out万家灯火out, take a look at this was around the ancient city walls was how to sustain their demeanor, in the maintenance of the ancient city of style and now have maintained vibrant green.

17. 万家灯火在线翻译

17. 日暮归来,城内已万家灯火
      When we returned at dusk, the lights of the city had come on.

18. 911查询·英语单词

18. 我不为自己活我要为主活把主带进万人的心点亮万家灯火神圣的使命担上肩美好光阴不错过不爱那地上的吸引为主过度奋励拚?
      I have said that I would no longer live for myself.

19. 万家灯火

19. 很快的,天上渐渐布满了点点繁星,已经是万家灯火的时候了,但我还是站在那里等着,我相信,失主一定会找回来的。
      Very quick of, sky gradual spread all over a point point heavy star, was already ten thousand time of lights, but I still station wait for over there, I believe, owner certain will find back come of.

20. 万家灯火的近义词

20. 从飞机上俯视远处可以看到伦敦的万家灯火
      Far below the plane we could see the lights of London.
