

万变不离其宗[wàn biàn bù lí qí zōng]


词典The methods used may vary, but the principle is the same.


词典change ten thousand times without departing from the original aim or stand

词典in none of his change has he departed from his stand万变不离其宗。

词典in various guises to serve the single purpose万变不离其宗。

万变不离其宗 汉英大词典

万变不离其宗[wàn biàn bù lí qí zōng]


The methods used may vary, but the principle is the same.; change ten thousand times without departing from the original aim or stand; in none of his change has he departed from his stand; in various guises to serve the single purpose (of ...); No matter h

万变不离其宗 网络解释

1. Nothing is new under the sun:44. 众人拾柴火焰高. Many hands make light work. | 45. 万变不离其宗. Nothing is new under the sun. | 46. 心有余而力不足. The spirit is willing but the flesh is weak.

2. \u0039\u0031\u0031\u67E5\u8BE2\u00B7\u82F1\u8BED\u5355\u8BCD

2. The fundamental things apply:A sigh is just a sigh 一声叹息只是一声叹息 | The fundamental things apply 万变不离其宗 | As time goes by 随着时光的流逝

3. wbbz:yxbx 一蟹不如一蟹 | wbbz 万变不离其宗 | swpd 上无片瓦,下无立锥之地

4. ASGS:艺术EYFS | 万变不离其宗ASGS | 计算机输入SMFH
