1. 万万千千是什么意思
1. 如此思量,善莫大焉,难怪甫一亮相便技惊四海,天下欣目者又何止万万千千。。。。。。
Such a thought, good Mo Dayan, no wonder the parents, Anne and appearance will be frightened universal technology, the world welcomed the head......
2. danci.911cha.com
2. 我挚爱的外婆,善良朴素的阿姨们,善良勤奋的舅舅们,和蔼可敬的姑婆、舅婆和叔公们,还有那群可爱的表弟表妹们,以及那些儿时熟悉的多多的面孔,一排排整齐温馨的大大小小的房子,那些熟悉的小巷、田埂和道路,还有还有那熟悉可爱迷人的乡音,还有还有还有那些说不完道不尽的万万千千的事与物与人
Ai….. socilzing is always be one of my nightmares, it cause me tremendous troubles and make me shut off myself from the outter world, I am just so a coward, I dear not to communicate with others, I dear not to try new things, I dear not to take risks, I just live in liitle world and make up many many lies to fool myself, and congradulations, I win, I really fool myself successfully, and I become a rightdown fool!!!
3. 奇妙之处,就在似海非海,山峰云雾相幻化,意象万千,想象更是万万千千!
Magic, on the sea as the sea-and mountain fog is illusionary imagery ever imagined is granted!
4. 万万千千的翻译
4. 饥饿只有加深我对现社会的认识,只有加强我生的勇气,从此我更要奋斗,为了自己,也为了万万千千和我同样在饥饿线上挣扎着的青年男女。
Hunger deepens my knowledge of the reality and gives me more courage to live.
5. 万万千千的反义词
5. 竞选中遇到的挫折与万万千千的美国人民遇到的挫折相比算不得什么
Are nothing compared to those that millions of Americans face every day in their own lives.
6. 万万千千
6. 全北京向上看,这一刻或许有万万千千个梦想在播下。
Beijing to the whole point of view, at this moment there may be thousands and thousands of dream in the sow.
7. 饥饿只有加深我对现社会的认识,只有加强我生的勇气,从此我更要奋斗,为了自己,也为了万万千千和我同样在饥饿线上挣扎着的青年男女。
Hungry makes me know more about the present society, and strengthen my courage of living. From now on, i have to work hard, for myself, and thousands of yongmen who are struggling with hungry (hunger as me.
8. 911查询·英语单词
8. 饥饿只有加深我对现社会的认识,只有加强我生的勇气,从此我更要奋斗,为了自己,也为了万万千千和我同样在饥饿线上挣扎着的青年男女。
From now on, I'm going to redouble my efforts to struggle not only for myself, but also for thousands upon thousands of young men and women who, like me, are on the brink of starvation.
9. 万万千千的近义词
9. 饥饿只有加深我对现社会的认识,只有加强我生的勇气,从此我更要奋斗,为了自己,也为了万万千千和我同样在饥饿线上挣扎着的青年男女。
Hence, I ought to strive more, not only for myself, but also for tens of thousands of youg peers who're struggling on the edge of starvation just like me.
10. 万万千千
10. 饥饿只有加深我对现社会的认识,只有加强我生的勇气,从此我更要奋斗,为了自己,也为了万万千千和我同样在饥饿线上挣扎着的青年男女。
Therefore, I should work even harder from now on, not only for myself, but also for thousands of fellow youths floundering on the brink of starvation just like me.