

七窍生烟[qī qiào shēng yān]


词典fulminate with anger七窍生烟。

词典blow a fuse勃然大怒;七窍生烟。

词典blow a gas jet七窍生烟。

词典foam with rage吹胡子瞪眼睛;七窍生烟。

七窍生烟 汉英大词典

七窍生烟[qī qiào shēng yān]

fulminate with anger; blow a fuse; blow a gas jet; foam with rage; fume with anger; Smoke comes out of one's seven orifices.; The smoke of one's anger came out of one's nostrils.

七窍生烟 网络解释

1. in a great fury:40. 七上八下be greatly upset | 41. 七窍生烟in a great fury | 43. 八面玲珑dance and sing all weathers

2. 七窍生烟的解释

2. fumigate with anger:060. 七老八十 in one's seventies | 062. 七竅生煙 fumigate with anger | 072. 三顧茅蘆 A Hahn prince three times called on famous scholar to solicit his help.

3. 911查询·英语单词

3. nadan saqga ci xaqgiyan tucimbi:nadan biya/七个月,七月 | nadan saqga ci xaqgiyan tucimbi/七窍生烟 | nadan usiha/北斗七星

七窍生烟 双语例句

1. 我们老板因进度拖延而气得七窍生烟
    My boss is tearing his hair out about the delay in the schedule.

2. danci.911cha.com

2. 我们老板因进度拖延而气得七窍生烟
    My boss is tear ing his hair out about the delay in the schedule.

3. 七窍生烟

3. 她被触怒了,七窍生烟,仿佛真的要从鼻子下分发纸巾一般。
    Her eyes were squinty and her nostrils were flaring, as though about to dispense tissues through the nose.

4. 一天,野大王派人到度朔山上索取仙桃,被神荼、郁垒轰走,野大王气得七窍生烟,一个黑夜,野大王带领他的信徒装扮成恶鬼前去报复,被神荼、郁垒用桃条捆起来扔给了老虎,所以桃木辟邪由此而来,同时成为辟邪驱鬼的工具。
    One day, wild king sent people to the mountains of New Moon from Xiantao, God Tu, Yu Lei Hong Zou, wild king Qiqiaoshengyan Qide, a dark night, wild king to lead his followers dressed as Egui forward to revenge, God Tu, Yu Peach of the base used to tie up Rengji the tiger, so the resulting Taomu evil spirits, evil spirits Qugui at the same time as a tool.

5. 小新的妈妈美伢是一个全职主妇,粗心而又有点神经质的经常被小新捉弄得七窍生烟,爸爸野原亦经常被这两母子搞得晕头转向。
    Little new mother the beautiful child is a full-time employment housewife, careless and a little nervous small is made fun of newly frequently seethes with rage, daddy wild frequently is done originally also by these two mother and child is completely muddled.

6. 我已经打过了,我按捺住令我七窍生烟的怒火回道,可他们要我先付工钱。
    I already called, I retorted, suppressing the rage that was choking me, but they want payment in advance.

7. 七窍生烟是什么意思

7. 我还要钱时他气得七窍生烟
    He frothed at the mouth when I asked for more money.

8. 七窍生烟的意思

8. 这件事气得他七窍生烟
    He foamed with anger over the matter.

9. 今早他是气得有点七窍生烟
    And he was a wee bit prickly this morning.

10. 席尼:怪不得他父亲七窍生烟
    Sidney: no wonder his father went up the wall.

11. 因此当他们的总统李明博(LeeMyung-bak)未能入选《时代》杂志本年度全球最具影响力的100人榜单时,他们气得七窍生烟
      So they were fuming when their president, Lee Myung-bak, failed to be named as one of Time Magazine's 100 most influential people in the world this year.

12. 七窍生烟什么意思

12. 雷尔夫:不但生气、望,简直七窍生烟,参赛队经理人也是如此。
      Ralph: More than that: he was furious, absolutely furious and so was the team manager.

13. 七窍生烟的翻译

13. 我们老板因进度拖延而气得七窍生烟
      My boss is torn his hair out about the delay in the schedule

14. 一听说他又要来,她七窍生烟
      When she heard he would come again, she fumed with anger.

15. 我在公开场合表现得宽容大度,私下里却气得七窍生烟,说了一些对他不友好的话,这令我后悔。
      I was magnanimous in public, but I fumed in private and said some things about Mario I regret.

16. danci.911cha.com

16. 等了将近一个半小时之后,她气得七窍生烟
      After having to wait nearly an hour and a half, she was foaming.

17. 原句:我跟他们吵,气得我七窍生烟
      I argued with them until I was blue in the face.

18. 七窍生烟在线翻译

18. 我们晚到了一个小时,她正气得七窍生烟
      By the time we arrived an hour later she was fuming with rage.

19. 我们晚到了一小时,她正气得七窍生烟
      By the time we arrived an hour late she was fuming.

20. danci.911cha.com

20. 我还要钱时他气得七窍生烟
      He frothed at the mouth(= was very angry)when I asked for more money.
