

七嘴八舌[qī zuǐ bā shé]



词典“with seven mouths and eight tongues” -- clash of opinions

词典all sorts of gossip七嘴八舌。

词典all talking at once七嘴八舌。

词典all talking in confusion七嘴八舌。

七嘴八舌 汉英大词典

七嘴八舌[qī zuǐ bā shé]

“with seven mouths and eight tongues” -- clash of opinions; all sorts of gossip; all talking at once; all talking in confusion; lively discussion with everybody trying to get a word in; Many men, many minds.

七嘴八舌 网络解释

1. 七嘴八舌什么意思

1. all talking at once:11.五花八门 all sorts of | 12.七嘴八舌 all talking at once | 13.乱七八糟 at sixes and sevens

2. conflicting views, divided counsel:742. 嘉言懿行 wise words and exemplary conduct | 743. 七嘴八舌 conflicting views, divided counsel | 744. 噴雲吐霧 (of opium smokers) filling room with a cloud of smoke.

3. many men,many minds:七零八落odds and ends | 七嘴八舌many men,many minds | 十拿九稳a bird in hand

4. everybody being eager to put in a word, all talking at once:七手八脚--with many people taking part, all hitching in | 七嘴八舌--everybody being eager to put in a word, all talking at once. | 乱七八糟--at sixes and sevens, in disorder, in a mess.
