


词典totally negate一笔抹杀。

一笔抹杀 双语例句

1. danci.911chaxun.com

1. 于是,在承认的同时,也就一笔抹杀了自己的不真诚。
    And then he denies his insincerity by doing so.

2. 911查询·英语单词

2. 这些成绩是不能一笔抹杀的。
    These achievements cannot be gainsaid.

3. 他的功绩被一笔抹杀
    His achievements were blot ted out at one stroke.

4. 多数专家、学者认为清代雕塑颓败不堪,不值一提,对清代雕塑采取一笔抹杀的态度。
    The most experts, the scholar thought Qing Dynasty sculpture decadent is unable to withstand, Is not worth raising, has the manner to the Qing Dynasty sculpture which totally negated.

5. 一笔抹杀是什么意思

5. 泌阳县在执行公务员工资制度改革时,对参照公务员法管理的事业单位的无行政职务的专业技术类公务员,一笔抹杀,不再承认,工资标准不按现行标准执行,全部归类到综合管理类公务员中,让专业技术类公务员按照科员的标准执行工资,之后工资标准连降3—4个级别,每月少200-800元,请问:这样执行公务员法对不对?
    Biyang County in the implementation of the civil service wage system reform, the civil service law on the management of non-administrative functions of institutions of professional technical civil servants who Yibimasha, no longer recognize, wage standards, do not follow the current standard implementation, all categorized into the integrated management of the Public Service, so that professional and technical standards of the Public Service in accordance with the implementation of section staff wages, wage standards, even after the falls 3 — 4-level, less 200-800 yuan a month, may I ask: This implementation of the Civil Servants Act, right?
