

一派胡言[yī pài hú yán]

词典be nothing but nonsense一派胡言。

词典a pack of lies一派胡言;鬼话连篇;一片谎言。

词典gross [broad] nonsense

词典irresponsible talk一派胡言。

一派胡言 汉英大词典

一派胡言[yī pài hú yán]


be nothing but nonsense; a pack of lies; gross [broad] nonsense; irresponsible talk; (to be) poppycock, pure and simple; sheer rubbish; twaddle; unadulterated nonsense

一派胡言 网络解释

1. 911查询·英语单词

1. That's a load of nonsense:19. That's ridiculous. 太可笑了. | 20. That's a load of nonsense. 一派胡言. | 21. It's pure fiction. 完全是捏造.

2. What nonsense:What fun we could have! 我们玩得多开心啊! | What nonsense! 一派胡言! | What a shame! 多可耻(惜)!

3. sheer nonsense:assemle 强调动作 | sheer nonsense 一派胡言 | drive a hard bargain 杀价,迫使对方接受苛刻的条件

4. 911查询·英语单词

4. a pack of lies:a pack of cards 一副纸牌 | a pack of lies 一派胡言 | a packet of cigarettes 一包香烟
