

一歇[yī xiē]



一歇 双语例句

1. 好累啊!歇一歇
    So tired! had a rest!

2. 看清那些占你便宜,对你指手画脚或者在你打拼时抛弃你的人,到了你该歇一歇,找回生活平衡状态的时候了。
    There were and are those who took advantage of your service, dominated you and left you isolated in your struggle. This is a time to reset your balance and rest.

3. 一歇

3. 每次晚上看到他们苦熬的时候,我都有想让他们歇一歇式的崇敬。
    Each night, to see them working hard and making, I have wanted them to take a break-style reverence.

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4. 健康问题仍将是这一批队员的第一大难题,有些伤不是靠歇一歇或者治疗就能解决的。
    Health problems remain and will continue to be the No.

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5. 搞出一个又一个,很少想到停下歇一歇看一看,结果不仅造成了大量的产品积压,也造成了产品功能兼容出现问题。
    Here came then another, rarely, he stopped to check them out, finally, not just leading to large amount of overstocked products but raising the function compatibility problem of the product.

6. 因为每天的安排都很紧张,回到旅店都是晚上了,歇一歇,打开电视转转台,发现这里的电视实在太无聊了。
    Conference time schedule was tight.

7. 他们可以帮忙照料孩子,这样你就可以歇一歇了。
    They may be able to help with childcare so that you can have a break

8. 晚饭后他会支起双腿,歇一歇,看看书。那真是件很惬意的事情。
    After supper he'd put his feet up and read. It was a pleasant prospect.

9. 他又歇了一歇,直到日上三竿,光芒四射,宽阔的河面上金波雀跃,他又往河里纵身一跳。
    He rested again until the sun was well up and gilding the great river with its splendor, and then he plunged into the stream.

10. 另一次花费了23秒(古普塔现年62岁,如果随着时间的流逝,他失足了一两次,那就让他歇一歇吧)。
    The man is62.Give him a break if he loses a step or two as time passes.

11. 一歇的近义词

11. 我认识到,像其他照顾患者的人一样,我也需要不时地去其他地方歇一歇,找到生活的意义,然后再回去照料病人。
      I realized that I, like many others who care for sick people, needed somewhere else to go once in a while to draw breath and find meaning before returning to the work of nursing.

12. 不过毕竟是冬天,冷空气稍微歇一歇,马上又会赶来。
      However, after all, it is winter and the cold air takes a break slightly and then comes back quickly.

13. 一歇的意思

13. 事、所传的道全告诉他。31 他就说:「你们来,同我暗暗地到旷野地方去歇一歇
      And going that they did not even have a chance to eat, he said to them

14. 当然,我们很难搞清楚斯金纳选择现在退休的真实原因,但他在麦当劳已经任职了长达41年的时间,他也应该好好歇一歇了。
      Of course, it is difficult to know why Skinner is stepping down now but after 41 years with the company he deserves some time off.

15. 我一定得坐下歇一歇,我累坏了。
      I must sit down and rest, I am tired out.

16. 一歇

16. 你为什么不听听你妻子的话,歇一歇呢?
      Why don't you just listen to your wife and take it easy?

17. 他就不肯歇一歇
      He simply refused to take a rest.

18. 她没有歇一歇就穿过斯图尔堡,向前一直走到几条大道的交叉路口,在那儿等候往西南去的搬运夫的大马车;
      She went through Stourcastle without pausing, and onward to a junction of highways, where she could await a carrier's van that ran to the south-west;

19. 她沿着漫长乏味的本维尔路走着,渐渐感到疲乏了,就靠在栅栏门上或是里程碑上歇一歇
      Along the tedious length of Benvill Lane she began to grow tired, and she leant upon gates and paused by milestones.

20. 一歇的解释

20. 正当你想趁众多欢送派对中歇一歇时,又有两个同志准备离开首都了。
      Just when you thought you could use a break from the going away parties, two more homos decide to up and flee the Capital.
