

一望无边[yī wànɡ wú biān]



一望无边 双语例句

1. 一望无边的解释

1. 在奥帆中心,看到了冠军们驾驶的帆船,我们乘船在大海上驰骋,迎着习习凉风,望着一望无边的大海,心旷神怡,情不自禁地唱起:让我们荡起双桨
    In the Olympic Sailing Center, saw the champions driving, sailing, we have a boat at sea on the bench, facing the breeze cool breeze, watching the look a boundless sea, relaxed and happy, can not help but sing: Let us Dangqi sculls......

2. 啊!只见一望无边的大沙漠,千年不化的大雪山,寸草不生的大戈壁尽收眼底。
    Ah! Saw a look of boundless desert, a thousand years of the Snowy Mountains, panoramic view of barren Great Gobi.

3. 一望无边的解释

3. 当旅客们各自想着彼此绝不相同的心事的时候,雪橇却在这一望无边的雪野里不停地飞驰。
    While each of the party was absorbed in reflections so different, the sledge flew fast over the

4. 他的土地一望无边
    The borders of his land''.

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5. 他的土地一望无边
    The borders of his land lie out far beyond one's line of sight.

6. 一望无边的反义词

6. 在墨西哥,他们有一望无边
    Lance So in Mexico they have these endless miles...

7. 一望无边的反义词

7. 他的土地一望无边
    Far'.''beyond one's line of''.

8. 在一片一望无边的草原上,一位长者赐给了两个饥俄的人两样东西;一根鱼竿和人一篓鱼。
    In an eye on the vast grassland, one of the two give the elderly people who hunger two things; one person, one Yugan and baskets of fish.

9. 一望无边什么意思

9. 在船上看这那一望无边的大海,心中是那样的高兴,心想:我终于又回来了。
    That the full power on board the ocean, the mind is as happy thought: I finally returned.

10. 田野上,麦苗返青,一望无边,仿佛绿色的波浪。
    Fields, green a boundless hope, as if the green wave.

11. 我这一辈子看过的画何止万千——在国内看到的多得铺天盖地,在欧洲画廊上看到的多得一望无边
      The black AND red pictures on the lacquer ware present a mysterious AND ever-changing fairy world inhabited by human beings AND immortals.

12. 一望无边的反义词

12. 一望无边小叶樟随着季节的变化由绿变黄引来无数珍禽鸟类,(小叶樟又是我省重要饲草资源之一,全省低湿草场面积仅为7000余万亩)。
      The vast leaflet camphor forest change from yellow into green with the changing of season and attracts numerous rare birds, (the leaflet camphor is also one of the important forage resources of the province, and the wetland grassland area of the province is only more than 70 million mu).
