

一应俱全[yī yīng jù quán]

词典Goods are available in all varieties.一应俱全。


词典available in all varieties一应俱全。

词典complete in every line一应俱全。

词典complete with everything一应俱全。


词典from soup to nuts从头到尾,一应俱全。

一应俱全 汉英大词典

一应俱全[yī yīng jù quán]


Goods are available in all varieties.; available in all varieties; complete in every line; complete with everything; Everything needed is supplied.; from soup to nuts; There is a full line of supplies.; lack for nothing; supply [provide] everything:


    All varieties of goods for daily use are available.

一应俱全 网络解释

1. 一应俱全的解释

1. all systems go:kill two birds with one stone 一箭双雕 | all systems go 一应俱全 | have eyes only for 情有独钟

2. from soup to nuts:from side to side 左右 | from soup to nuts 一应俱全 | from start to finish 自始至终

3. You name it:6、 It is not over till the fat lady sings. 胜负要到最后见分晓. | 7、 You name it. 一应俱全 | 8、 Are you footing the bill? 是你付账吗?

4. 911chaxun查询·英语单词

4. Everything needed is there:14. 一言为定That's settled then. | 15. 一应俱全Everything needed is there. | 16. 一张一弛alternate tension with relaxation
