

A no two;
一家无二 双语例句

1. danci.911chaxun.com

1. 献身于动物行为研究的一家比较动物学者的研究所断言,在拥有意识方面人是独一无二的,在将事情深思熟虑,利用过去的经历,冒险地说出对于未来的猜想方面不同于其他动物。
    One school of ethologists devoted to the study of animal behavior has it that human beings are unique in the possession of consciousness, differing from all other creatures in being able to think things over, capitalize on past experience, and hazard informed guesses at the future.

2. 伦敦特拉法加广场附近有一家巴西风情的地下酒吧,其摆设和里约热内卢市的任何酒吧别无二致,里面挤满了来自巴西的游客,还有巴西足球队,这支世界上最受拥戴球队的忠实拥趸。当大家注视着罗纳尔多咧着招牌式的兔牙笑容领取世界杯奖杯的时候,你不由得心生感慨,原来体育和生命一样都那么变幻无常。
    In a basement pub not far from Trafalgar Square in London, an establishment that wouldn't have looked out of place in downtown Rio de Janeiro, one packed with Brazilian tourists and supporters of the world's most popular football team, watching Ronaldo Luis Nazario de Lima walk up to receive the World Cup winner's medal with a trademark toothy grin, you could not but ponder, yet again, the caprices of life and sport.

3. 凤凰涅盘之我见伦敦特拉法加广场附近有一家巴西风情的地下酒吧,其摆设和里约热内卢市的任何酒吧别无二致,里面挤满了来自巴西的游客,还有巴西足球队,这支世界上最受拥戴球队的忠实拥趸。当大家注视着罗纳尔多咧着招牌式的兔牙笑容领取世界杯奖杯的时候,你不由得心生感慨,原来体育和生命一样都那么变幻无常。
    The Second Chance of Sports In a basement pub not far from Trafalgar Square in London, an establishment that wouldn't have looked out of place in downtown Rio de Janeiro, one packed with Brazilian tourists and supporters of the world's most popular football team, watching Ronaldo Luis Nazario de Lima walk up to receive the World Cup winner's medal with a trademark toothy grin, you could not but ponder, yet again, the 1caprices of life and sport.

4. 尽管各家之中有相似之处,每一家公司都是独一无二的野兽,麻省理工学院的斯隆管理学院的教授迈克尔·库苏马诺说。
    Despite the growing similarities among the three, each is a unique beast, says Michael Cusumano, a professor at Massachusetts Institute of Technology`s Sloan School of Management.

5. 尽管各家之中有相似之处,每一家公司都是独一无二的野兽,麻省理工大学斯隆管理学院的教授迈克尔。
    Despite the growing similarities among the three, each is a uniquebea st, says Michael Cusumano, a professor at Massachusetts Institute ofTechnology's Sloan School of Management.

6. 去年(1987年) NFM的销货净额是一亿四千多万美元,较前一年度成长8%,这是全美独一无二的一家店,也是全美独一无二的家族,B太太跟她三个儿子拥有天生的生意头脑、品格与冲劲,且分工合作,团结一致。
    Net sales of NFM were $142.6 million in 1987, up 8% from 1986. There's nothing like this store in the country, and there's nothing like the family Mrs. B has produced to carry on: Her son Louie, and his three boys, Ron, Irv and Steve, possess the business instincts, integrity and drive of Mrs.

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7. 尽管看上去与其他毕业生并无二致,但23岁的他已是一家年盈利达200万的绿植公司的CEO了。
    Li looks no different to other graduates, but the 23-year-old is already the CEO of a plant wall (see box) company that makes 2 million yuan in profits a year.

8. 一家无二的意思

8. 但是没有一家企业的倒闭是与另一家相同的&每一次失败都是独一无二的悲剧,一般都参杂着坏运气和烂决断。
    But no corporate death is identical to another & each is a unique tragedy, normally a blend of poor luck and rotten judgment.

9. 如果你也喜欢无印良品的简单概念,如果你想穿上独一无二的衣服,那sofaclock绝对是一家不错的选择!
    If you also like the non-India nondefective the simple concept, if you want to put on the unique clothes, that sofaclock is a good choice absolutely!
