



一块土 网络解释

1. a clump of earth:a cloud of smoke 一团烟 | a clump of earth 一块土 | a cluster of bees 一群蜜蜂

一块土 双语例句

1. 911chaxun查询·英语单词

1. 据说他在那里有一块地、一个土洞,一个窝巢。
    He had there, it was said, a sort of field, a hole, a lair.

2. 原因是他们经常看到土是一块一块的。
    S3: I think their sizes are different.

3. 在以后的日子,每一块土散播爱。
    After a rainy day in every piece of earth Spread love.

4. 一块土在线翻译

4. 同时我是一颗小小的粮食,一棵小的植物,一段根和一块土
    I am a little grain, a little plant, a root and also a land at the same time.

5. danci.911cha.com

5. 啊!她爬上了一块墓碑,然后钻进土里消失了!
    As he watched, she hurried up to a stone marker and then disappeared into the ground.

6. 如果一块土被海洋冲走
    If a clod be washed away by the sea

7. 我走过来,走过去,选了一个比较窄的地方,拿起一块土圪垃往冰上砸去,冬的一声,土圪垃碎了,冰并没有破裂。我觉得可以冒险试一试。
    I moved about, and chose a narrower place, took a block of clod to pound towards the ice, I heard the sounds of it dropped down on the ice, the clod was broken, but ice was not broken, so, I thought I could have a try.

8. 911查询·英语单词

8. 他看了看我的情况然后就拿出一块土不土、草不草的东西让我冲着奶茶喝了下去,真到现在我还是没有搞清楚,他当时给我喝的到底是什么东西?
    After he knew my conditions, he took out a block of strange stuff, I did not know it that was made of dust or grasses, he let me drink down with tea and milk, till now, I don`t know what he gave me.

9. 911chaxun查询·英语单词

9. 他在割破的手指土缠了一块破布。
    He twisted a rag round his cut finger.

10. 911chaxun查询·英语单词

10. 大多数专家先前提到的,都是在塔巴斯科海湾州托土盖罗遗址的一块石碑上,玛雅人用象形文字刻下的那个日期。
    Most experts had cited only one surviving reference to the date in Mayan glyphs, a stone tablet from the Tortuguero site in the Gulf coast state of Tabasco.

11. 起先,农民以为犁头一定是翻到了坚硬的树根,但他扒开土时,才看到那是一块闪光的金子。
      At first he thought it must be a very hard tree root. But when he uncovered it, he saw that it was beautiful shining gold.

12. 一块土

12. 其理想的工作状态是法向受力,即系泊力的作用方向垂直于锚板平面,这时锚类似于一块埋入土中的板式结构,具有很高的抗拔承载力。
      The anchors reach the ideal state when they subject to a vertical load, which means that the orientation of the mooring force is normal with the anchor plate. In their normal loading mode, they act like embedded plate in seabed with high pull-out capacity.

13. 一块土

13. 克雷里卓夫身穿土皮袄,头戴羔皮帽,嘴上包着一块手绢,看上去更加消瘦和苍白。
      Dressed in a sheepskin coat, with a fur cap on his head and his mouth bound up with a handkerchief, he seemed paler and thinner than ever.

14. 工地现场位于杭州湾北岸一块1996年围堤而成的围堤土上。
      The site is located on the north shore of Hangzhou Bay, on land reclaimed from the China Sea in1996.

15. 通常她的声音从电话上传来总是清凉悦耳,仿佛一块草根土从一片碧绿的高尔夫球场上飘进了办公室的窗口,但是今天上午她的声音却显得生硬枯燥。
      Usually her voice came over the wire as something fresh and cool, as if a divot from a green golf-links had come sailing in at the office window, but this morning it seemed harsh and dry.
