

一了百了[yī liǎo bǎi liǎo ]

词典One finished, all is finished.

词典All troubles end when the main trouble ends.一了百了。

词典As the main item has been solved, all the rest are therefore solved, too.


词典Death ends all one's troubles.

一了百了 汉英大词典

一了百了[yī liǎo bǎi liǎo]

(主要问题解决了其他问题也跟着解决) One finished, all is finished.; All troubles end when the main trouble ends.; As the main item has been solved, all the rest are therefore solved, too.

一了百了 网络解释

1. Death ends all troubles:14 欢颜 Joyful face | 15 一了百了 Death ends all troubles | 相关资料 - Relate Materials

2. 一了百了的翻译

2. He that dies pays all debts:to make a mountain of a small hill 小题大做 | He that dies pays all debts 一了百了 | No use crying over spilt milk 覆水难收

3. Death pays no debts:Death pays no debts.一了百了. | Time and tide wait for no man.岁月不待人. | Clothes make the man.人靠衣装马靠鞍

4. AThankful Passing:76. Simplifying Life簡化生活 | 77. AThankful Passing一了百了 | 78. Crooks Everywhere防不勝防
